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Music, Engineering, Design,

...and so much more.

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Home: Welcome
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In Essence

My name is Nick Bitzis, and I am an artist and a creator. These are characteristics I was born with, but it has taken many years to refine the skills necessary to compliment my passion.  

I am a Designer and an Engineer.  These were characteristics I earned by virtue of an Industrial Design Degree from Georgia Tech and a Music Engineering Master's from the University of Miami and they have allowed me to understand not only the "how?" but also the "why?"


I am a musician, a producer, and a photographer. These were characteristics I developed through my originality and initiative to push my creative boundaries.


I am a leader and an eternal student. 

I am growing and ever changing.


I am proud of a great deal of what I have accomplished and what I plan to accomplish. This site is a look into me and my work.

"Being an artist is a psychological side effect of an awareness that there is more to see and feel in this universe than most people may realize"

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6001 SW 70th St, Apt 321
South Miami, FL 33143


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